Friday, March 13, 2015


You know you've got a problem when Amazon recommends three biblical commentaries and two books about biblical apocalypticism.

There are some days when I'm just amazed that I have friends that are willing to hang out with me. This is one of those days.

Friday, March 6, 2015


Two weeks ago I posted about Laura Session Stepp's series in the Washington Post, which now has a name: "Beliefs." Last weekend, a column highlighting my own journey and beliefs was published. Many, many thanks to everyone who reached out to talk, or to say thank you -- I hope that if you liked how it was written, or appreciated the fact that the Washington Post took some time to delve into spirituality, you could find some time to tweet to @WashingtonPost, leave a (positive) comment on the story, or share the link on social media. There should be at least two more columns, but with support, there might be more, which I think would be a very good thing. As a society, we're not good at talking about spirituality and faith in a way that contextualizes them into a real life with real ramifications; too often it's a shouting match about abstract ideas. The simple power of a story goes a long way. 

Also last week, a light piece of mine was published in Building Faith. It's very shop-talky, so if that's not your thing, no need to read it! (If it is, Building Faith is a great resource for Christian formation that you should know about.) The article is about "hacking" all of those neglected bible curricula hanging around in church Sunday School closets. Here's a very brief Guide to Hacking Curricula.